How many members is enough?
Jordan has had a more fair voting system than Canada - since 1993
STV - PR - Malta - Edmonton. A real hodgepodge!
What is SNTV and is it proportional? Let's look at Vanuatu
1979 proposal would have had us retain FPTP - BAD - and add 60 more MPs - GOOD.
Rep by pop not fair without Pro-rep
Monster petition in South Australia female suffrage fight interesting example to follow
FPTP means majority ignored often
PEI as Multi-member riding
Multi-member districts best way to go even in a MMP system
Kilgour - Conservative, Liberal, Independent - a man elected under FPTP
Canada's First Past The Post elections not creating stability -- PR would
South Africa - How does its PR work?
Pilon on PR -- question of democracy
Ontario Farmers government tried for PR, 1919-1923
Yukon electoral reform -- 2022
Catherine Helen Spence Part 4. Chapter V to VIII.
Electoral reform in established democracies since 1980
Multi-Member Districts - The Benefits
STV's multiple winners mean 9/10ths of voters are happy with result