Two-question PR referendum would cover all the bases and let the people choose
PR produces majority rule. FPTP elects candidate with plurality, does not produce majority rep.
Two-member district used in Northern Territory election of Australian Senators
Cities and other places that are beginning to use Proportional Representation
The Dangerous dis-function of single-winner plurality elections (FPTP)
Canadian elections -- majority of district voters often frustrated - MPs elected by minority
Nelson (in New Zealand) to use STV in this year's city election
1911 Canadian election - Liberals' loss much more deep than their drop in votes should have made
2022 Australian election - IRV did not yield much different House of Reps than FPTP would have
NZ saw STV in Australia and went for MMP. It should have looked at Canadian STV
How to Understand Electoral Reform - Fair Vote Canada/Dennis Pilon Webinair
Proportionality of STV and party-list PR/MMP compared
"Effective threshold" only applies where votes are transferred and winners get equal numbers
"Theirs is the Glory" 1946 film of WWII Arnheim Battle
Ontario 2022 provincial election was false majority result
Does STV entail great deal of extra counting of vote compared to FPTP or Block Voting?
PR allows majority rule through no one party taking a majority of seats
Demonstration STV election - party food sample STV election
Catherine Helen Spence -- A Plea for Pure Democracy (1861)
Where I told PM Trudeau about STV, calling it ranked-voting PR