James Litterick Winnipeg Communist MLA
Blinded By the Light a smashing film
Alternative Voting not necessarily a gateway to STV
U.S. moving toward federal-level AV, Canada should move directly to federal STV
2016 Denis Pilon: How our present system fails us
2020 Democracy Index - Canada is #5. Let's get STV and do better!
Democracy index 2020 Canada is #5
Canadian internment camps, escapes and murders
A Fair and Simple MMP system
Dennis Pilon brief to 2016 HofC Committee on electoral reform
Globe and Mail: Status of Women Improved in 1936
STV article: food for thought and grounds for dispute
1926: J.S. Woodsworth on a new economic - and political - life
Local representation -- under FPTP WCC; under STV "Save Our Mountain". Quotas and Waste
WWI danger and executions and the fall of a government
A study of votes wasted under STV, or How much is a quota?
1919: MP endorses rum ration and representation of extreme views
WWI Peace Treaty recognizes labour rights - Borden weighs in on General Strike
WWI - MP George Andrews says "Draft the millionaires"
Edmonton City Council is unpopular - and always was - but will prob. be re-elected. FPTP is to blame