U.S. reform governor later active in Edmonton politics - John W. Leedy
Cochrane doctors defend public health care
Old Strathcona's History Revealed in Book by Tom Monto
Alberta's STV produced wide representation, wasted few votes
1926 Edmonton election proved STV's fairness
One reader's review of my STV blogs
Effect of STV on our House of Commons today
Edmonton schoolteacher finished Dickens book
Nominations are important but STV covers it.
Minchau blacksmith bldg gone
U.S. electoral college -- Congressional district method seldom effective
What if the 2016 U.S. pres. election had been held using Alternative Voting?
One definition of socialism
Harry Ainlay answered Why was capitalism invented?
A Bit of Nonsense
Have you heard the one about the politician?
Ernest Brown called out historic machinations of Edmonton's well-heeled
Ernest Brown called for democratic Proportional Representation
What is conserved under Conservative rule?
Legal rights for Nature