Multi-member districts prime for STV
Ranked ballots versus party-list pro-rep
Ernest Brown, photographer/Socialist
Winnipeg labour man called for active citizenry after General Strike
STV makes for stability - PRof any sort produces stability
deriving percentage from ratio
Recall potent weapon against the people
The “Double Democracy” system STV and party-level AV
FPTP punished NDP in 2019 federal election
Small change = big diff in 2019 Canadian election (2019 federal election)
MPs elected by minority, meh
UFA promised STV, preferential ballots
When AB MLAs were elected by Pro-rep
2019 election –– unfair and almost random
What do we want in our government?
U.S. minorities still under-represented under new system
1923: Reform the banks, Bevington told House of Commons
If the 2019 federal election had used STV in large cities
Was William Connors really as bad as they said...