Edmonton's STV experience, 1923-1927
Socialist MLA applauded vote to renters 1910
Farmer movement faltered in 1890s but never died
Edmonton's 1918 Flu Epidemic (and the effect of Spanish Flu elsewhere)
COVID not first epidemic in AB
Edmonton founded in 1813, not 1795
Alberta's False Majority governments
Akron racist disturbances -- Ohio 1900
Covid-19 and BASIC INCOME
Felicia Graham disappearance solved
Multi-member districts prime for STV
Ranked ballots versus party-list pro-rep
Ernest Brown, photographer/Socialist
Winnipeg labour man called for active citizenry after General Strike
STV makes for stability - PRof any sort produces stability
deriving percentage from ratio
Recall potent weapon against the people
The “Double Democracy” system STV and party-level AV
FPTP punished NDP in 2019 federal election