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Tom Monto

1885 Resistance - the Second Riel Rebellion

using information in Colonel E.E. Callwell's book Small Wars, we see that the 1885 Resistance was similar to other Native insurgencies that the British Empire faced in the 1800s.

In this case, only Canadian troops were used in its supression.

But the top military commonaders on the government side were veterans of past small wars elsewhere in the British Empire - in locales as exotic as India and Africa - north and south.

Wolseley and Otter,


Duck Lake when the shooting started


Frenchman's Butte

Strange actually noted that he was surprised at the height of trees there as he had seen Frenchman's Butte only 20 years earlier and it had had no trees at tht time.

The thing is the battle did not take place at Frenchman's Butte, which was located a few miles away.

Strange actually said he thought a more approriate name for the battle would be Standoff Coulee as the government troops were held off by a swampy morass in the dip below the height. so for them the coulee was more of an obstacle than the height on the far side, where the sniping Metis rebels were emplaced.

(Story of the Northwest Rebellion)


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