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2019 provincial election 5th change of government since Alberta became a province

Tom Monto

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

The 2019 provincial election marked only the fifth change of government since Alberta became a province in 1905, and also the first time since then that a provincial government has failed to win a second term.

(The "2019 Alberta election" Wikipedia article says Alberta joined Canada in 1905 but this is not true. Next year will be the 150th anniversary of Alberta joining Confederation as part of the North-West Territories. From 1870 to 1905 Albertans (those living in the part of the NWT that would later be the province of Alberta) elected these MPs to serve in the House of Commons - Donald W. Davis, Frank Oliver, John Herron, Maitland S. McCarthy,

Peter Talbot (the first MP for Strathcona - despite claims that Dr. McIntyre was Strathcona's first MP) and these Senators were appointed to represent Alberta in the Senate - Richard Hardisty and James Lougheed.

Albertans even helped elect a Prime Minister in 1896 nine years before it supposedly joined Confederation (as explained in another of my blogs). You can not elect MPs or have Senators represent you if you are not in Canada!)

Thanks for reading.


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