I would like to share a couple movies that are well worth watching for righteous-minded citizens. Although they are U.S.-made and thus part of the wave of U.S. entertainment, culture and propaganda that has engulfed Canada, these two movies are worth viewing due to their intelligent reformist outlook and factual historical content:
Green Book - about the mis-treatment of a gifted Black man in the not so long ago deep South. Also a series of lessons on how to use language and the reading of body language to get yourself out of situations.
American Violet - about a brave Black woman and a team of lawyers who worked to stop a racist anti-Black police-state practice. The movie reports that the U.S. has a larger prison population than any other country in the world - apparently including China and Russia -- and that 90 percent of them were never found guilty by a judge or jury but plea bargained themselves into prison for lighter sentences than they were threatened with by the racist justice system.
Each is a heck of a story...