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An Independent - and Socialist - Alberta

Tom Monto

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Although my other blog belittles the need and possibility of independence for Alberta, we could go on a mind-journey to envision what an Independent Socialist Alberta could look like:

the natural resources of Alberta would be used to serve the interests of Albertans only - no multi-national corporations, no U.S. oil companies would make profits from our resources.

The head office jobs, the tax base, the purchasing of supplies and equipment where possible would be kept within Alberta, and the money would cycle around within our province, instead of draining away to corporations and banks outside the province.

The government would work to keep wages high because it would be in their interest to do so, and if they didn't they would be dismissed by the improved democracy that the government would establish.

The government would believe itself at one with the people so if the people suffer it would suffer too. (This would of course be at odds with the way the Conservative government voted itself a 45-percent pay increase while calling for cuts to working incomes of civil service workers in 2000. This occasioned AUPE's Apples and Oranges strike of that year.)

Resources becoming increasingly scarce in the world today would be used to produce the highest possible level of product instead of being shipped out at rock-bottom bulk prices as unrefined freight.

Corporations would be responsible for the harm they commit. A great number of unsealed oil wells in the province exert a danger, and a government of an independent Socialist Alberta would move to see that they would no longer pose a risk or force economic hardship on any others than those who profited from them in the first place.

You can imagine more about this imaginary place, if you like. Have fun!

Thanks for reading.



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