Democracy in Edmonton elections depends, to my way of thinking, on:
- continuing not to use electronic voting;
- getting back to hand-counting paper votes, verifiable and sure;
- adopting STV whether in at-large elections across the city or in multi-member districts
that each encompass half or third of the city.
- If STV is not do-able under the present laws, then Single Non-transferable Voting should be adopted - a rough but perfectly reasonable way to see that representation is mixed and reflective of the views of the voters.
- if wards are maintained, then establishing the election of some (at least three) councillors that would be elected at-large, through STV. This would provide representation for each voting block that has the support of a quarter of the city voters. This would allow those voting blocks spread thinly across the city to have representation, surely a necessity for true democracy.
Thanks for reading.