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FPTP is strange science

Tom Monto

here 's an idea for graphic or meme

a pipeline or sausage-maker or funnel or some kind of converter machine like that (like the "funhouse mirror" idea)

mixture goes in one side and only one thing (or very un-balanced mixture) comes out the other end


if the election was a pipeline, it would have lots of leakage

graphic would show

59 parts Conservative 21 parts NDP 11 parts Liberal 7 parts People's Party 1 part Green going in and 14 Conservative MPs coming out the other end.


Our elections use a strange recipe:

Saskatchewan Political Lasagna:

Mix together these votes:

59 parts Conservative 21 parts NDP 11 parts Liberal 7 parts People's Party 1 part Green

What comes out of the oven: 14 Conservative MPs

Toronto Area Political Gumbo:

Mix together these votes

49 parts Liberal 31 parts Conservative 15 parts NDP 4 parts People's Party 2 part Green What comes out of the oven: 48 Liberal MPs 5 Conservative MPs [Real Lavergne's table says result in Toronto area was 48 Liberal MPs 4 Conservative MPs 1 NDP MP] Calgary Political Cake Mix together these votes: 53 parts Conservative 23 parts Liberal 17 parts NDP 5 parts People's Party 2 part Green What comes out of the oven: 9 Conservative MPs 1 Liberal MP That sort of thing


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