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Tom Monto

Researching Robert EnsorR.W. Ensor was police chief in Edmonton in the early 1910s at a time when the occupants of that official position rotated at great speed. He was police chief for only two months April and May 1911, replacing and then being replaced in turn by A.C. Lancey.

I thought to check his later career and using Google found him mentioned in the Wikipedia entry for Beatrice Ensor, who became his wife in 1917.

The entry describes Robert as a former North West Mounted Police officer who -- after serving as Edmonton police chief (not mentioned in the entry) -- became an army officer and was shipped to Murmansk -- as part of the Canadian government`s attempt to help put down the Communist Revolution there (not described that way in the entry).

What is interesting is that Beatrice and Robert met through their activities involving Theosophy. Who would think a police chief would be a Theosophist. Well-known theosophist author Annie Besant, among others, was named the godmother of their children.

Beatrice apparently with Robert`s support went on to help found the New Education Fellowship, which would help create UNICEF.

From the old NWMP to the UN, who would have imagined


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