the idea that the earth is hollow and a kind of people or creatures live there.
Sometimes fictional accounts of travel to there are devices to enter into discussion of utopia styles of social living.
Such is Niels Klim's Underground Travels, by Ludvig Holberg.
originally published in Latin as Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum (1741),
a satirical science-fiction/fantasy novel
(see my write-up on Holberg, BC in the Montopedia blog "Intentional settlements..."
Another Hollow Earth book is NEQUA or The Problem of the Ages, first serialized in a newspaper printed in Topeka, Kansas in 1900
considered an early feminist utopian novel.
mentions John Cleves Symmes' theory to explain its setting in a Hollow Earth.
written under the pen-name Jack Adams, its authors or collaborators were:
US authors Tilghman Answorth Howard Lowe (1850-1894) and Mary Amanda Lowe (1856-1902).
As well, "the copyright notice in the first edition lists A.O. Grigsby and Mary P. Lowe.
Alcanoan [also given as Alcanon or Alcanaan] O. Grigsby born 1837 died Kentucky: 3 October 1925 )
Mary Amanda Lowe and Mary P. Lowe likely both refer to Mary Amanda Prather Lowe,
born Kentucky: 13 August 1856 died Topeka, Kansas: 22 January 1902
Grigsby was the publisher of the newspaper Equity, jointedly edited by himself and Mary Lowe, in which the story was serialized.
Mark O.J. Esping argues in the 2015 edition that some passages can be traced to speeches delivered by Grigsby before the book's appearance, and that he too seems to have been a collaborator."
(from SF Encyclopedia --
A.O. Grigsby (Alconoan O. Grigsby) was a Populist and later a Socialist*, who was editor of several newspapers from the 1890s through 1900.
Mary P. Lowe was an editor of The New Woman,[5] a women’s suffrage paper, and co-editor with A.O. Grigsby of Equity.
Equity was a Populist newspaper.
The Equity magazine was a big booster for electoral reform circa 1900.
complete editions are available on microfilm from the Kansas State Historical Society.
available online at Hathi trust.
*Grigsby was active in the Socialist Party of America.
see Socialist Party Official Bulletin, January 1906
Charles Howard Shinn
"The writing in the Geode", written by him, is an odd little Hollow Earth tale of subterranean exploration under the "Assiniboine Mountains north of the U.S. line".
A sea captain obtained a geode. Within it was a message from an explorer trapped among the remains of an ancient cilivization on the shores of a great underground river.
It appeared in the Australian newspaper The Warragul Guardian, July 11, 1890. (
and appeared in the Alberta newspaper Raymond Rustler on Dec. 9, 1910. (name of author not given there)
(I found the Raymond issue by searching Peel's PP for keywords: hollow and Earth and cave.)
Why an Australian newspaper carried the western Canadian story and why 20 years separated the only two known publications of this tale in the world is not known.
The author Charles Howard Shinn, was a forest ranger, horticulturalist and writer.
He was author of Mining Camps, a Study in American Frontier Government (1885), which likely looks at informal means of self government.
He also authored "Cooperation on the Pacific Coast" (1888), which also may show his interest in social experiments.
Amazon ad says "Explore the vibrant history of "Coöperation on the Pacific Coast" by Charles Howard Shinn, meticulously revived by the Leopold Classic Library. This enlightening work provides an in-depth look at the development and trials of cooperative movements across the diverse communities on the Pacific Coast. Originally published in 1888, this book delves into the successes and challenges of early cooperative endeavors, from agricultural colonies to artisan guilds."
This is a chapter in the book History of Cooperation in the U.S. (1888) by Edward W. Bemis et al.
book available in Hathi trust online at
Book starts by quoting John Stuart Mill Principles of Political Economy (we know him as an electoral reformer, supportive of Hare's STV system).
author of the book's introduction gives reason why scientific analysis of political and economic matters are not done as much as scientific study of the natural sciences.
Bemis is author of the book Coöperation in New England.
Published 1888. available in Hathi trust online.
(also published as a chapter in History of Cooperation in the U.S.)
Also author of Socialism and state action Published 1886. available in Hathi trust online.
see Wiki "Charles Howard Shinn"
his biography is in National Cyclopedia of American Biography.