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Mulroney - most of his time as PM was false-majority government

Tom Monto

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney passed away in Feb. 2024. The media have stated and re-stated his personal magnetism and caring for individuals that he came in contact with, leaving out how his government was mostly artificially created by the electoral system - the flawed First Past The Post

Canada has had a huge number of false majority governments. Every majority governement since 1984 has been false majority.

That includes Mulroney's government elected in 1988, which stayed in power for five years.

Perhaps it was the party clinging to power for five years (latterly under Campbell) that made the 1993 result so bad.

Conservatives suffered in 1993 from near obliteration 

it was worse result than they deserved proportionally 

but under PR they would not have single-handedly had government from 1988-1993 as they did under FPTP.

Brian Mulroney's legacy is basically being PM from 1984 to 1993

only four years of that was rightful where his party had received a majority of the vote.

five years of it was produced disportionally by FPTP.

not actually that much of a democratic legacy.

One thing is --- Mulroney did win his own district seat with a majority of votes cast in the district each time, 

although it is not known how many stayed home either knowing he would be elected and happy with that or knowing he would be elected and knowing resistance was futile. 

Voter turnout rate is not recorded in wikipedia article on the district's electoral history until the year 2000 when 58 percent is shown. not so high.

Mulroney pushed through free trade and attempted to de-index pensions. This is seldom mentioned in the euologies. as the media cover up his mistakes.



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