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Nepal used STV in indirect election of the National Assembly - 2018

Tom Monto

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

2018 -- Nepal used STV to elect National Assembly (national upper house) in indirect election. This change was due to passage of a new Constitution in 2015.

In each province, HofR members and mayors/deputy members of cities in the province composed an electoral college that used STV to elect Assembly members.

Votes cast by HofR and city officials' votes were weighted differently.

STV used as method for each province's electoral college to elect six of the province's eight upper house members (National Assembly).

from Wiki:  National Assembly  (Nepal)

The composition and powers of the Assembly are established by Part 8 and 9 of the Constitution of Nepal

There are a total of 59 members:

-eight members are elected from each of the seven provinces by an electoral college of each province, and

-three are appointed by the President on recommendation of the government.

each province's electoral college consists of members of the provincial assembly and chairperson/mayor and vice-chairperson/deputy mayor of the local bodies within the province. 

[weighted votes]:

Each provincial assembly member's vote has a weight of 48

Each chairperson/mayor/vice-chairperson/deputy mayor's vote has a weight of 18.

Separate contests ensure minority representation:

Out of the eight members elected from each province,

-three must be women

-one must be from the Dalit community, and

-one must be a disabled person or from a minority community. 

Each elector (member of electoral college) gets four ballots -

one for the three open seats (elected by STV)

one for the three female seats  (elected by STV)

one for the dalit seat and

one for the disabled or minority seat. 

The three open and three female seats are filled by single transferable vote (STV) [separately]

[so women representatives elected by both men and women]

the two other seats by FPTP (separately)

EC staffers learning about single transferable voting system - The Himalayan Times - Nepal's No.1 English Daily Newspaper | Nepal News, Latest Politics, Business, World, Sports, Entertainment, Travel, Life Style News

The STV method used is complicated by fact that votes are weighted. (see above)


(it is said Nepal used STV in 1992 but cannot find evidence or details of this.)

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