Here's a thing i wrote for the Wiki "Single transferable voting" article
but "powers that be" apparently felt it was not good enough to keep on in full:
Effective votes
Looking at the last Irish election where members of Dáil Éireann known as TDs (Dáil deputies) were elected by Single Transferable Voting from 39 constituencies, each with between three and five seats, we see that members were elected under STV with about the same number of votes and that a large proportion of votes cast in each district were used to actually elect someone.
Most elected members were elected by getting the quota. Thus they were elected by getting the same number of votes. The few elected without quota got close to quota as well. [76]
And a large proportion of the votes were used to elect someone, relatively few being wasted. The use of quota to elect most members and the proportion of votes cast that are included by the number produced by multiplying the number of votes in the quota by the number of seats to fill means that there are relatively few votes not used by necessity to elect someone. Perhaps one full quota or less is not used to elect someone. The person elected may not be the voter's first preference but is someone the voter prefers over others. [77]
Under STV, in each district 80 percent or more of valid votes cast are used to elect someone, which is a far higher fraction that we see under First past the post where as few as 18 percent of votes cast are used to elect the district member, as was seen in the 2014 Toronto municipal election.[78] [79]
In Cambridge, Massachusetts, under STV in 2021, 90 percent of voters saw their vote help to elect a candidate, more than 65 percent of voters saw their first choice candidate elected, and more than 95 percent of voters saw one of their top three choices elected.