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On Scheer's charge NDP to raise GST

Tom Monto

Updated: Oct 19, 2019

What is interesting about Scheer's unfounded charge that Liberal and NDP will raise GST is that it was the Conservatives who brought in GST in the first place and it was the Liberals who lowered it to 5 percent.

Let's remember that - the Conservatives brought it in, the Liberals lowered it.

i think judging by that the Conservatives are more likely to raise it back to the 7 percent that that had put it at before than that the NDP or Liberals will push to raise it.

As Singh points out the GST is a regressive tax, forcing rich and poor to pay the same, and thus against the principles of the NDP.

The Conservatives on the other hand have historically been happy to enrich the wealthy and tax the poor.

So it could be that Scheer is, psychologically speaking, projecting his feelings on to other people. Perhaps the Conservatives are thinking of raising GST to the levels that they had set before in order to subsidize their expensive promises to cut taxes on the wealthy!


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