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The CBC did it again

Tom Monto

This morning The CBC radio gave too much coverage and credence to the Wexit movement.

An expert came on saying 20 percent would consider the west leaving Confederation. I have no idea how he presented his fact - he may well have said this was a very small minority of opinion - but I did hear the CBC pronounce that that was significant number.

No mention that 20 percent of Saskatchewan voters voted NDP in the last federal election (for which they elected no MPs, although they deserved three.) In Alberta Liberals were in such numbers that they deserved five seats, NDP-ers in Alberta were so numerous that they deserved 4 seats - The Liberals won none, the NDP just one.

This is the kind of unfairness that the CBC should be noting, not the treasonous calls of a just a relative few --- only one-in-five would consider the west exiting according to the (very possibly slanted) survey - the 20 percent reported in the survey don't necessarily support Wexit.

CBC is selectively choosing its oppressed un-represented minorities, with no balance.

Then this morning it closed its news broadcast with the statement that western separatism was on the rise. That had not been mentioned in tits reportage.

The reportage reported that a single survey had been held and a rally "attended by hundreds" had been held (do remember that a rally was attended by thousands at the Alberta legislature two weeks ago in favour of environmentalism - did the CBC then say that environmentalism was on the rise? I bet not.) These two events do not signify any more than that a small minority of people are in favour of separatism and does not prove that their numbers are growing (on the rise).

I can't imagine why the CBC covers the news the way it does unless its staffers and administrators think it is cool to fan the fires of discontent, stoke up regionalism and work to potentially split up a country. Perhaps it is only the old media

s thing about conflating the news in order to "sell papers."

Whatever drives it it is not responsible journalism.


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