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Tom Monto

Updated: Feb 21, 2020

You may be wondering why Waskatenau northeast of Edmonton has the name it has and why it has a silent "k."

In old newspapers, such as Jan 3, 1881 and June 10, 1882 Edmonton Bulletin, there is reference to Wah-Sat-Now, the leader of the Native band in that area, and to a creek by that name in the locality.

What must have happened is when it came time to record the name of the locality, an official must have changed the name that was in local usage. In English syllables don't end in simple H, so he moved it to the next syllable and then it was confused with a similar-looking K, but kept its old sound. That is how now we have a silent K in the wrong place.

Or at least that is what I think...

-- Tom Monto --


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