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Who is Tom Monto?

Tom Monto

Updated: Sep 27, 2020

While this blogsite was initially started as outlet for my historical musings, it has since morphed into a platform for information and exhortation on the issue of electoral reform.

In particular the weakness of the existing First past the post system and the need to replace it with the time-proven Single Transferable Voting system, which provides mixed proportional representation at the district level.

As well, blogs will express my passion for truth in history, and allow me an outlet to write on topics too small or not yet formulated enough for inclusion in a book.

I am the author of Old Strathcona Edmonton's Southside Roots and the recently-published book on Alberta politics Protest and Progress, Three Labour Radicals in Early Edmonton, outlining the life (lives) and times of farm leader Rice Sheppard, reformer/teacher Harry Ainlay and lawyer/"troublemaker" Margaret Crang.

Another recent publication is A Brief History of Alberta Politics, emphasizing the province's progressive politics pre-WWII/Big Oil.

(These books, and many others, are available at Alhambra Books, Edmonton, Alberta or through

I'm hoping to acquire readers interested in the underside of history and how it is presented, rightly and wrongly. My view is history can be taken as a parable reflecting on today's events. But also I am reminded of whoever it was who said "History is not dead - it is not even past."

Whoever it was I agree, and I hope to help you see it that way too.



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