Sales ad for PR
U.S. STV let the votes count!
Old PEI - multiple-member districts electing two through separate contests
2019 Canadian election - unexpected places give us cause for hope
Greater Toronto Area - 52 ridings
FPTP has many kinds of variables - vote tallies are not only thing to effect party seat totals
NSW 2019 -- the largest STV election I know of
2005 referendum showed majority of BC voters disliked FPTP
2022 PR anniversaries
Block Voting
PR - the wide range of systems suited to Canada
Problems with FPTP
Kingston's Alternative Voting
Albertans on PR and Electoral reform
Electoral reform in Saskatchewan
2015 Alberta -- increased votes were main cause of NDP victory
Alberta NDP in favour of revolution - revolution in thinking
Contact 1492
Papaschase Reserve terminated to allow railway line - fact or fiction?
2021 Fair Vote Canada Conference - PR lessons learned