1968 Edmonton city election - no wards, mixed representation
2021 Edmonton city election - Wards divided us and most voters were ignored
2021 Canadian election -- result could have been Conservative government
UFA's electoral reform not a self-serving action
Having districts means you have dis-proportionality
Dual Member Plurality -- SNTV with two members. Good Enough?
2021 Canadian election -- more minority-winners than majority rule
UFOs in Alberta -- and early flight of other sorts
Court Challenge for Fair Voting by Fair Voting BC and Springtide Collective for Democratic Society
What was Canada called before it was Canada?
A two-district system for Edmonton for election of three levels of government
"What would electoral reform in Canada look like?" What I thought of what Max Fawcett said
1923 - Edmonton's first STV city election
Ballot-counting machine takes away good feeling of 2021 Edmonton city election
One vote seldom makes any difference - by itself
Majority rule, Diversity on council, Effective Votes and Edmonton city elections
2021 Canadian Election --- Effective Votes
1921 Liberal leader King promised PR
2021 Federal Election
Lambertson's Proxy Plan not great new idea