Canada's majority governments - hardly ever elected by a majority of voters
PR Quota -- Hare versus Droop
Welsh rep Baroness Randerson on PR
Mound Culture in North America - in Edmonton, Alberta too?
Edmonton's Presbyterian Rev. McQueen
Federal election call indicates rightward swing of Trudeau Liberals
UFA-style PR reform - Let's do it again
More on UFA-style PR
Democratic proportional representation and measurement thereof - six factors
The UFA promise of PR/preferential voting. Let's do it again!
SC gov't's partisan self-interest caused end to STV/AV system
Did Alternative Voting give the UFA an advantage?
1921 "Present Electoral System Condemned" publication made case for STV in Alberta
2018 London Ontario mayoral election - should Holder have won?
July 18, 1921 - UFA elected on promise of PR
2021 -- 100th anniversary of UFA election
Talking PR -- Let's remember what we once had
Just admit it - UFA adopted PR in 1924 from a standpoint of fairness
Alberta history - rebellion, representation, proportional representation, misrepresentation
Red Deer needs electoral reform