Lambertson's Proxy Plan not great new idea
2019 federal election low turn-out, split vote means Trudeau re-elected by 20% of voters
Our electoral system more screwed up than 1982 BC book perceived
District-level PR would allow rural-urban disparity if that is what you want.
1921 election, like 2021's, produced a minority government. Will Trudeau pull off a King deal?
Trudeau likes ranked votes. PR-STV has them -- and Proportional Representation!
London AV city election only partially majority rule and not proportional
Canadian politics and what PR could look like
A new Union government not solution to minority government, polarization
Ranked votes in U.S. and in Canada
London Ontario 2018 IRV election
Plumping in Alberta STV elections meant few transfers used intricate math
Fair Vote Canada panel discussion 2021
"Exhausted votes" in Canadian STV elections
Saskatooon-area writer endorsed PR-friendly candidates as Saskatoon celebrated 100th anniversary of city's STV
CUPE in favour of electoral reform. Let's increase voter power through limit on voting!
Lougheed's 1971 win looked alot like any FPTP election
Now looked alot like the old - Lougheed's 1971 victory just another dis-proportional result
Canada's majority governments - hardly ever elected by a majority of voters
PR Quota -- Hare versus Droop