A majority of votes versus a lead in votes -- Quota leads to standardized representation
"PR 101" by Fair Vote Canada's Anita Nickerson and Dennis Pilon
What were the effects of using PR-STV in Alberta from 1926 to 1955?
Benefits of Proportional Representation
Edmonton city elections shows FPTP is no friend of democracy
Voting-System Changes in Canada's Provinces
2018 London (Ontario) city election used Alternative Voting
2021 Fair Vote Canada panel discussion
Effective Voting -- an effective vote is one that elects someone
1999 Saskatchewan election - a wrong winner election
Do we care about local representation?, Pilon asks in his book The Politics of Voting
Citizen-Empowered Democracy in Ontario! Fair Vote Panel Discussion, June 2021
A Different Way of Voting -- Manitoba's STV 1920-1953
Dual Member Plurality is not proportional - we can do better! Pilon's Politics of Voting...
STV is family of voting systems not just a single system - Canada would benefit from STV/MMP system
2019 Alberta election - vast shifts in seats caused by small 15-percent shift in votes
Ontario uses federal districts for provincial districts. No gerrymandering!
Edmonton's PR record shows that PR works
40 percent of Canadians vote same anywhere. Let's have representation that shows this!
Montopedia blogs on history published in early 2021