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Proportional Representation
Tom Monto
STV vote transfers - are they lots of work or not much?
Tom Monto
Guaranteed women representation -- how to get it?
Tom Monto
First podcast of Graham Lettner's Physical Copy - Amanda Henry on benefits of district-level PR
Tom Monto
PR and Labour unions
Tom Monto
Deserting to the front... the film Two Men who Went to War
Tom Monto
Garneau Tennis club to be celebrating its 100th anniversary soon
Tom Monto
NDP leadership contest will determine forward path of the party in Alberta (Millwoods Mosaic, April 2024)
Tom Monto
Would STV districts be too large in size?
Tom Monto
FPTP: 2014 Toronto city election, Alberta WWII vote saw winners with less than 18 percent of votes
Tom Monto
Electoral reform in Canada -- Eight provinces have used ranked votes or PR at city or prov. level, or investigated or held vote on Electoral Reform
Tom Monto
Rachel Notley deserves credit and Alberta deserves multi-member districts (MMDs) and PR (Alberta Views)
Tom Monto
Pantheon of Radicals -- Mary Elizabeth Lease: Populist - socialist - model for Wizard of Oz's Dorothy
Tom Monto
1885 North-West Resistance - Dumont proposed a Guerilla War -- Riel blocked it
Tom Monto
The Hubris of a City - A City on Fire
Tom Monto
Timeline of Electoral Reform Part 2. 1972-present Proportional Representation (List PR, STV, MMP)
Tom Monto
Here before the railway -- Edmonton area pioneers
Tom Monto
The whole-vote "Exact method" of transferring surplus votes and other means of vote transfers under STV
Tom Monto
Little Bear/Imasees - survivor of Frog Lake Incident, great leader for his people
Tom Monto
FVC webinair March 17, 2024 Dennis Pilon on Electoral Reform -- Lessons learned; Grounds for hope
Tom Monto
Provincial seat counts mostly reflect "Rep. by Pop"
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