Twice Canadians in a province voted for change. Both times they were ignored.
Let's get STV for federal elections
STV has both PR and Preferential Voting. It also has plurality!
What type of voting should be used in Multiple-Member Districts?
U.S. used to have multi-member districts and should get them again
Upcoming Portland vote evokes debate on STV
2021 Canadian election lies: Prairie Conservatives not as popular as many say
How to avoid re-districting angst. Answer: Federal multi-member districts
On how to open up New Zealand's MMP
Moderate DM is best for democracy
Alaska by-election shows that IRV elects most popular candidate with majority of votes
When referendums saw majority in favour of change to PR and from PR
Failures of First Past The Post
Multiple-member districts make Block Voting little better than FPTP
U.S. Fair Representation Act, 2022
On Pro-rep, comparing Cumulative Voting, STV and MMP
JAZZ came to Edmonton -- back in 1915 (Millwoods Mosaic article)
PR - what is it? Here's a definition that covers STV and party-list PR
Denmark -- Danish PR - and how it would look in Canada
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