Portland (Oregon) to hold vote on switch to STV
On Why Alberta and Manitoba dropped STV
Non-FPTP elections shown in book and TV
Most countries in world use PR. They use variety of electoral systems
SNTV in a "South Edmonton" multiple-member district in federal elections
Need for change greater than disagreement over details
Mexico has two chambers - Each uses Parallel Voting
Hungary's Parallel Voting is partly PR
Ontario 2022 election - Gross misrepresentation of votes cast
Vancouver election 2018 - Block Voting befogs and misleads
PR usage in Europe in 2022
Basic features of good voting system
How many members is enough?
Jordan has had a more fair voting system than Canada - since 1993
STV - PR - Malta - Edmonton. A real hodgepodge!
What is SNTV and is it proportional? Let's look at Vanuatu
1979 proposal would have had us retain FPTP - BAD - and add 60 more MPs - GOOD.
Rep by pop not fair without Pro-rep
Monster petition in South Australia female suffrage fight interesting example to follow
FPTP means majority ignored often