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Proportional Representation
Tom Monto
Early Labour culture
Tom Monto
Lost without food, and other mishaps in the old Northwest
Tom Monto
Edmonton's Industries -- history and interesting anecdotes
Tom Monto
Pantheon of reformers -- Canadian Socialists -- Gaylord Wilshire. Socialists in early Toronto, Nanaimo
Tom Monto
1899 Political and Social Conference - gathering of most-respected reformers from the U.S. and Canada
Tom Monto
Australia debated adoption of STV in 1901
Tom Monto
1913/1914 Edmonton almost switched to PR, Elective Commission Plan. Mayor McNamara and James East's resignation perhaps blocked it
Tom Monto
Proportional Representation Review -- published by the American Proportional Representation League (U.S./Canada), also pub. as part of Equity, Direct Legislation Record
Tom Monto
Air cushion transporter (Hovercraft) demonstrated in Edmonton in 1971. Later put to work on the Mackenzie River (NWT)
Tom Monto
Effective Voting -- a publication of the Proportional Representation Committee of Ontario (1898)
Tom Monto
1936 House of Commons Special Committee on Elections and Franchise Acts did not endorse STV
Tom Monto
Ranked voting and STV with Optional Preferential Voting is way to go
Tom Monto
1893 Proportional Representation Congress, Chicago - Cridge, Droop, Catherine Helen Spence, Gove
Tom Monto
Disastrous 1845 Franklin expedition - Cridge channelled expedition's spirit, was told of tinned meat problems
Tom Monto
Pantheon of electoral reformers - John D. Hunt, clerk of the Alberta Legislative Council and advocate for STV in Alberta elections and in Edmonton
Tom Monto
Proportional Representation defined, through recent past (PR meant STV at first)
Tom Monto
Pantheon of reformers - Alfred Cridge, Annie Denton Cridge, Alfred Jr. and William Denton
Tom Monto
U.S. Electoral College - how it has been elected (American politics)
Tom Monto
"Power Grid" how to show elections
Tom Monto
Alexander Mackenzie -- "Alex MacKenzie from Canada by land 22d July 1793"
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