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Proportional Representation
Tom Monto
Super vote is the way we should vote, according to David Green - I agree!
Tom Monto
Into the West -- Sun Cairn rings, Metis heritage on the western Prairies
Tom Monto
1865 Cree attacked Blackfoot camp in night-time raid. Many dead and wounded including Father Lacombe
Tom Monto
STV and multi-member districts are accused of producing intra-party friction but contests are not zero-sum
Tom Monto
2019 PEI electoral reform referendum - voters considered switch to MMP with open list PR
Tom Monto
Chile adopted open-list PR in 1925, again in 2015
Tom Monto
Can Israel invoke "right of self-defence" in the case of Gaza?
Tom Monto
CPAC panel discussion Threat to Civility and Fight for Liberal Democracy Aug. 23, 2024
Tom Monto
Ashtabula Ohio - first city in U.S./Canada to use STV
Tom Monto
Canadian/U.S. STV Stats, 1917-1971 - election of MLAs and city councils - the numbers, the facts, the goodness
Tom Monto
2023 Court Challenge -- why judge's ruling not adequate
Tom Monto
Honduras used presidential-based PR starting in 1981, list PR starting in 1997, Open List PR since 2005
Tom Monto
Open List Proportional Representation (OLPR) includes list PR that allows voters to vote for candidates
Tom Monto
1917 - Calgary first city in Canada to adopt STV. Calgary also last Canadian city to use STV in 1971
Tom Monto
Notes on the Historic Use of STV in Ohio
Tom Monto
Edmonton's FPTP election system not electing the most-popular candidates
Tom Monto
STV for Canada and others pushing for Electoral reform, Fair voting, Proportional Representation, STV, Effective Voting
Tom Monto
Strategic voting - Anita Nicholson parses the why of it under FPTP; the how not under PR.
Tom Monto
FUDGE is better than FED and more likely under PR
Tom Monto
Denmark 2022 election -- list PR in districts and in overall top-up
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