Edmonton city election results are honestly reported -- the surprise is what they don't say
Voters casting multiple votes cause confusion
Multi-member districts key to having a range of candidates and representative legislatures
STV eliminations are arbitrary but only decisive in some cases
Lives of Margaret Crang, Harry Ainlay and Rice Sheppard described in Protest and Progress
Protest and Progress - the book
City of Edmonton mistake -- Scona Road sidewalk removed
STV demonstration election as suggested by PR League in 1922
"Preferential Ballots", published in 1914, listed benefits of Alternative Voting
Under Alternative Voting, vote-splitting will not ensure minority success
FPTP shamed in 1914 "Preferential Ballot" essay
London Ontario not first to fall for "seductive error"
STV multi-member districts produce fair and mixed representation
Should lawyers be legislators? (1768)
Let us abandon the Confusionists ! (1936)
Proxy Plan (interactive representation) proposed in 1893
Exhausted votes does not mean un-represented
Many provincial governments have changed their electoral systems
2009 Aspen preferential voting election a total schmozzle
Four threats to U.S. democracy today