Consumer spending is good way to help economy recover
Kevin Baas tried to improve on STV
2024 - Citizens Assembly voted down by House of Commons (M-86 defeated)
Hillview neighbourhood from Indian reserve, to pioneers and farmers (Schatz), to suburb. (Millwoods Mosaic)
Millwoods community leagues still strong after 50 years (Millwoods Mosaic Jan 2024)
Some thoughts on STV - the "massive screed" of Feb 2024
2024 PR elections, STV anniversaries
1919 -- Sligo first city in U.K. to use STV (note: Sligo is now in Ireland)
United Kingdom - Proportional Representation Society still pushing after 140 years
Debate points in defence of PR - list PR, STV and SNTV. Answering false accusations against PR and STV
Transferring surplus votes - the variety of methods used to transfer votes under STV
Gregory method of transfer of votes
Monto Voting - flexible voting inside and outside the district
Fairness in PR -- about same number of votes per seat
Catherine Helen Spence "Effective Voting" speech, Chicago 1893
Past false-majority governments may cause trouble in our future
Back to the land - building a small plywood shack
Back to the land - small house in a box truck
Criticisms of STV include STV's Purported Non-Monotonicity - not what people say it is and only rarely a problem
Charter Challenge 2023